September 25, 2024

Rep. Sykes Votes To Keep The Government Open, Funded Through December 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Rep. Emilia Sykes (OH-13) issued a statement after voting in support of a continuing resolution (CR) to temporarily fund our government and keep critical services running for people and families in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District through December 20, 2024: 

“While I’m glad that this temporary funding bill will keep the government open for people in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District and includes my legislation to extend critical veterans services and programs, the fact that Republicans once again put people’s livelihoods at risk for partisan politics until the eleventh hour is completely unacceptable,” said Rep. Sykes. “As we near the holiday season, a time when Americans should be focused on family and friends, not worrying about a government shutdown, I sincerely hope my colleagues on the other side of the aisle will work diligently on a bipartisan, long-term funding bill.”

The temporary funding bill would extend fiscal 2024 funding levels for federal agencies and programs set to run out of funds Oct. 1. The bill includes more money for Secret Service operations, and extends the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF) and the National Flood Insurance Project. 

This continuing resolution includes Rep. Sykes’ Extension of Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2024, legislation to extend critical Department of Veterans Affairs’ programs and services that veterans across the country rely on. This legislation reauthorizes several key veteran programs and services, including provisions to provide nursing home care for elderly and disabled veterans, support homeless veterans and prevent veterans and their families from falling into homelessness, improve access to mental health care, and allow burial benefits.

Rep. Sykes also introduced two bills Tuesday that would provide stability and certainty for Americans across the country in the event of a government shutdown. The Feed Our Families Act would appropriate three months of funding into SNAP’s reserve account in the case of a government shutdown so no families reliant on SNAP go hungry. Rep. Sykes also introduced the bipartisan Pay Our Military Act, which would provide appropriations for pay and support for all members of the Armed Forces, civilian personnel at the Department of Defense, members of the Coast Guard, necessary contractors, and reservists during a government shutdown.