May 01, 2024

Rep. Sykes’ Amendment To Increase Public-Private Coordination To Plug Abandoned Wells Passes House

WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) announced the House passage of H.R. 4877, the Abandoned Well Remediation Research and Development Act. This legislation included Rep. Sykes’ amendment requiring the U.S. Secretary of Energy to ensure research and remediation efforts for abandoned oil and gas wells are coordinated among institutions of higher education, the Department of Energy National Laboratories, the private sector, and state and local governments. 

“There are approximately 1,030 abandoned oil and gas wells across Ohio, including three in Portage County, six in Stark County, and two in Summit County. This bipartisan legislation, which includes my commonsense amendment, will ensure public and private entities work together to plug these wells efficiently and effectively, thereby protecting the public health and safety of people in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District,” said Rep. Sykes. 

View Rep. Sykes’ full remarks about her amendment HERE.

Ohio’s Orphan Well Program was established in 1977 to plug abandoned oil and natural gas wells. The program is recognized as one of the most well-funded and organized in the nation. 

The federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, combined with Ohio's existing state funding, will provide an unprecedented opportunity to locate and plug abandoned wells for the next decade. Approximately $634 million in potential funding is available through 2035 if federal and state funds remain at expected levels.