July 12, 2023

Rep. Sykes Co-Leads Legislation To Protect And Expand Social Security Benefits

WASHINGTON, D.C.Today, U.S. Representative Emilia Strong Sykes announced she is a proud co-sponsor of the Social Security 2100 Act, legislation to protect and expand Social Security.

“Social Security is a vital lifeline for many older people in our communities, and all Northeast Ohioans should have the resources they need to live a well-deserved, secure retirement after a lifetime of hard work,” said Rep. Sykes. “I am proud to co-sponsor the Social Security 2100 Act, which will ensure every person in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District can retire with security and dignity. I will always advocate for commonsense solutions to protect and enhance Social Security for current and future generations.”

The Social Security 2100 Act will:

  • Improve the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) to better reflect seniors’ expenses;
  • Increase benefits for all Social Security beneficiaries;
  • Repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pensions Offset that penalize public servants;
  • Cut taxes for 23 million beneficiaries; and
  • Extend solvency.

106,669 households in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District rely on Social Security.

The full text of the Social Security 2100 Act is below.
