February 14, 2023


WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, U.S. Representative Emilia Strong Sykes (OH-13) announced she is a co-sponsor of House Resolution (H.R.) 698, legislation to reauthorize the ban on assault weapons.


“Five years after the Parkland tragedy, I am heartbroken to hear of yet another mass shooting. My prayers go out to the students and faculty at Michigan State University, the five injured, and the three souls we lost during this tragedy. However, thoughts and prayers no longer suffice— enough is enough. We must act on meaningful bipartisan solutions to address this glaring public health emergency,” said Rep. Sykes. “All Americans deserve safe and secure communities, free from gun violence and mass shootings. I proudly co-sponsored HR 698, bipartisan, commonsense legislation banning military-style assault weapons, in response to the numerous calls from my constituents to ‘do something’ to prevent gun violence. These weapons of destruction have no place in our schools, our streets, or anywhere in our communities. I thank Rep. David Cicilline for his leadership on this issue.”


H.R. 698, which has bipartisan support, prohibits the sale, transfer, manufacture, and importation of semiautomatic weapons and ammunition-feeding devices capable of accepting more than ten rounds while protecting hunting and sporting rifles and assault weapons used by members of the military and law enforcement. This legislation also prohibits duplicates with semiautomatic capabilities, and the importation of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.


In 2019, a shooter in Dayton, Ohio used two guns, including a lawfully purchased AR-15-style assault rifle, to take the lives of nine people and injure 27 more people in less than a minute. As Ohio House Minority Leader, Rep. Sykes and Democrats introduced comprehensive gun safety legislation to limit gun violence in Ohio and save lives.