September 29, 2023

Rep. Sykes Condemns House Republicans’ Extreme Spending Cuts That Drive America Towards A Reckless Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yesterday, U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) voted against House Republicans’ extreme funding bills that would hurt our servicemembers and weaken our national security.

“Just days from the end of the fiscal year, House Republicans’ partisan antics are looking more likely than ever to result in a government shutdown that interrupts critical government services, hurts small businesses, forces our troops to serve without pay, and furlough over 6,000 federal workers in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District alone,” said Rep. Sykes. “Instead of working across the aisle to avoid a shutdown, extreme politicians are ramming through devastating cuts to vital programs and services like healthcare, food assistance and our national security. Our neighbors simply cannot afford these cuts at a time when the cost-of-living is already too high. These extreme, completely irresponsible proposals would only increase costs at a time when families are already struggling to make ends meet. I’ll continue to put the needs of the people of Ohio’s 13th Congressional District first, and work with any member to stop a shutdown and avoid the devastating consequences this would have for our communities.”

Rep. Sykes has signed onto two letters to Speaker Kevin McCarthy, one with fellow first-term House Democrats and one with the New Democrat Coalition, both emphasizing the need to put the American people first, fund our essential government services, and avoid a government shutdown. 

She has also introduced two bills— the Pay Our Military Act and the Feed Our Families Act – which put people over politics to protect Americans’ livelihoods, and provide stability and certainty during a government shutdown. The Pay Our Military Act would ensure our servicemembers, the people who put their lives on the line every day to keep our country safe, continue to receive their paychecks during a government shutdown. The Feed Our Families Act would ensure families who rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (also known as SNAP) to put food on their tables can still access their benefits during a shutdown.

Rep. Sykes spoke on the House floor last week about the importance of avoiding a government shutdown. Watch her remarks here.