December 13, 2023

Rep. Sykes Hosts “Call With Your Congresswoman” To Discuss Lowering Costs

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yesterday, U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) hosted “Call With Your Congresswoman” to discuss her work to lower costs for people in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District. Rep. Sykes was joined by Matthew Davis, VP of Federal Policy for the League of Conservation Voters (LCV), and Nolan Rutschilling, Managing Director of Energy Policy for the Ohio Environmental Council.

Rep. Sykes outlined her Lower Your Taxes Act, legislation she introduced to keep more hard-earned money in constituents’ pockets by reducing the amount of taxes owed when completing an annual tax filing. The Lower Your Taxes Act would make several improvements to the Earned Income Tax Credit and restore the American Rescue Plan’s Child Tax Credit expansion, which will make a significant difference for families paying for medicine, necessary essentials, school supplies, and other childcare expenses. 

“The people of Ohio’s 13th Congressional District are working harder than ever before, but high costs are preventing them from getting ahead. I promised that I would fight to lower everyday costs when I was elected to Congress, and I’m doing just that by introducing the Lower Your Taxes Act to put more of your hard-earned dollars back into your pocket,” said Rep. Sykes. “I’m committed to growing the middle class by building on investments like the Inflation Reduction Act that are already saving people money on their energy bills and creating an economy that works for everyone in Northeast Ohio.”

During the telephone town hall, guests from the League of Conservation Voters and the Ohio Environmental Council discussed how households can benefit from the affordable clean energy plan investments in the Inflation Reduction Act. These investments can help individuals and families across Northeast Ohio lower their energy bills, improve air quality, and combat climate change.

"We are thrilled to support the efforts of Representative Sykes to equitably implement the historic climate and clean energy investments that congressional Democrats passed last session, by engaging directly with constituent consumers and local communities in Ohio,“ said Matthew Davis, Vice President of Federal Policy at LCV. “We look forward to continuing to work with members of Congress and state, local, and tribal governments, nonprofit and municipal entities, and other local leaders to tap into the money saving benefits in the affordable clean energy plan.”

“Across the state, Ohio communities are benefiting from historic investments in clean energy, climate action, and environmental justice as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. We are proud to work with Representative Sykes and leaders at all levels of government to ensure Ohioans take full advantage of these once-in-a-generation pieces of legislation, ensuring all Ohioans can access the new jobs, energy savings, and a cleaner environment," said Nolan Rutschilling, Managing Director of Energy Policy for the Ohio Environmental Council.

Watch the full telephone town hall HERE.

To learn more about the clean energy tax credits available due to the Inflation Reduction Act, visit