Rep. Sykes Slams Extreme GOP Spending Bill Introduced Just Days Away From A Devastating Government Shutdown
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) voted against the partisan House Republican funding bill, which betrays American veterans, seniors, and families. Rep. Sykes is willing to work with anyone who will help her lower costs for Ohio’s 13th Congressional District, but this partisan bill does not accomplish that directive. With House Republicans’ chaos marching the country towards a devastating government shutdown in just three days, Rep. Sykes (OH-13) called on House leadership to take immediate action on her legislation to support Americans and provide stability in the case of a government shutdown. Her bipartisan Pay Our Military Act would ensure pay continues to our service men and women during a government shutdown, while the Feed Our Families Act would ensure families who rely on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can continue to access their benefits up to three months after a shutdown occurs. The Feed our Families Act is co-led by Reps. Sykes and Shontel Brown (OH-11). The Pay Our Military Act is co-sponsored by Rep. Don Bacon (NE-02).
“House Republicans had three months to work with the Members of Congress to negotiate and pass a bipartisan spending bill before the deadline,” said Rep. Sykes. “Instead of meeting the needs of seniors, veterans, and families, they have chosen to serve the ultra-wealthy. I voted no because it’s a bad deal for Ohio’s 13th district. It forces evictions on more than 32,000 households, jeopardizes social security, slashes funds for roads and bridges, guts support to veterans who return home with chronic illness, and takes food away from children. I’ve repeatedly stated I will work with anyone, anywhere, anytime who will help me lower costs and increase opportunity – but rather than work with Democrats, House Republicans have put forth a harmful, partisan funding bill that hurts our district.”
Specifically, the House Republican Spending bill would:
- Cuts rent subsidies for low-income and working Americans by more than $700 million, leaving landlords to foot the bill for or evict more than 32,000 households including veterans, survivors of domestic violence, seniors, and families with disabilities.
- Clear the way to fire thousands of employees at the Social Security Administration, which would result in closures of Social Security offices, increased wait times for the 1-800 number, and unacceptable backlogs for Social Security beneficiaries trying to access their earned benefits.
- Cuts Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Grants to hire and retain law enforcement officers and support community safety. Last year Rep. Sykes secured more than $1.5 million in COPS Grants for Ohio 13 Communities, including:
- $250,000 to the City of Barberton to hire 2 new law enforcement officers.
- $625,000 to the City of Canton to hire 5 new law enforcement officers.
- $56,640 to the City of Canton for building trust and legitimacy with the community.
- $125,000 to Stark County for technology upgrades.
- Cut $23 billion from Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act funding, stripping care away from veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances.
- Cut $38,123,166 in Congressionally directed projects in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District. This means that the Community Project Funding for the 15 projects that were accepted by the House Appropriations Committee after Rep. Sykes submitted them on behalf of communities across Ohio’s 13th Congressional District, will NOT be included in the spending bill. Those projects include:
- Stark
- Cromer Water Storage Reservoir Demolition and Replacement Project: $2,000,000. The City of Canton would use this funding to demolish the currently deteriorating Cromer Reservoir and replace it with a new, engineered, efficient storage reservoir in its place.
- Ohio and Erie Canal Heritage Area Restoration Project: $1,500,000. The Stark County Park District would use this funding to make key improvements to the canal towpath, including repaving the trail to allow easier access for people with disabilities and seniors, and upgrading the parking lot and canal facilities.
- Summit
- City of Barberton Justice Center Technology and Equipment Project: $1,500,000. The City of Barberton would use this funding to install new IT, security and AV equipment throughout the Police Department section of the Barberton Justice Center.
- Clinton Road Rehabilitation Project: $1,124,966. The Village of Clinton would use this funding to reconstruct Clinton Road from Cleveland Massillon Road (west end) and run approximately 2,600 linear feet east to 2995 Clinton Road. Reconstruction includes full reconstruction and resurfacing, including base repair and standard pavement build up.
- Cuyahoga Falls Regional Fire Training Facility: $10,000,000. The City of Cuyahoga Falls would use this funding to replace one of its aging fire stations with a new, modern fire station that will serve the expanding community for the next several decades. As part of this plan, the Cuyahoga Falls Fire Department (CFFD) would construct a regional fire training facility on the site, providing the CFFD and other local safety forces with the ability to perform essential emergency training.
- Downtown Akron Main Street Project: $5,000,000. The City of Akron would use this funding to revitalize Akron’s Main Street through pavement construction with concrete curbs and sidewalks, new lighting and traffic signals, and aesthetic/landscaping treatments.
- East Copley District Safe and Vibrant Streets Study: $1,000,000. The City of Akron would use this funding to conduct a study to improve safety and economic development opportunities within the East Copley District and adjacent corridors in Akron. The study would identify specific safety issues, recommend evidence-based countermeasures, and implement select improvements.
- Glen Chamberlin Park Improvement Study: $938,000. The City of Twinsburg would use this funding to renovate Glen Chamberlin Park, including replacing the 30-year-old walkable bridge and nature access, and upgrading playground equipment to be more accessible for people with disabilities.
- Guise Park Lodge Renovation Project: $750,000. The City of Munroe Falls would use this funding to renovate the Guise Park Lodge, including constructing a new roof and ADA compliant restrooms and kitchen.
- Hudson Inclusive Playground: $850,000. The City of Hudson would use this funding to create a fully accessible playground without limitations for children and adults with developmental disabilities.
- Peninsula Sanitary Sewer Collection and Treatment Facilities: $3,000,000. The Village of Peninsula would use this funding to bring sanitary sewer facilities to the Village of Peninsula, which is located right in the middle of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
- Reservoir Park Restoration Project: $1,280,000. The Reservoir Park Restoration project aims to reduce soil erosion, improve water quality, and reduce damage caused by floods. Furthermore, the project will improve safety along the adjacent walking path along the streambank where active soil erosion is occurring whilst simultaneously reintroducing Reservoir Parks pond and renovating the adjacent pumphouse. This project will have a long-lasting positive impact on the community by enhancing the well-being of the community, preserving natural resources, and fostering a sense of pride in our Parks system.
- Rosemont Preserve Restoration Project: $6,975,200. The City of Fairlawn would use this funding to construct stream restoration wetland floodplain improvements, as well as removing one low head and one 10-foot high dam. These changes will mitigate flooding and diminish downstream erosion in Copley, Norton, and Barberton which frequently grapple with flooding issues in the Pigeon & Wolf Creek Watersheds.
- Silver Lake Water Main Improvement Project: $705,000. The Village of Silver Lake would use this funding to install a new eight-foot water main line connecting two existing isolated systems serving residential properties. The project would improve water quality, increase fire protection, and expand the service area.
- Village of Boston Heights Safety Center: $1,500,000. The Village of Boston Heights would use this funding to support the design and construction of the new Village of Boston Heights Safety Center providing space for both the police and fire departments. This includes the full renovation of the existing 7,500 square foot Fire Station and an addition of 14,700 square foot.
Rep. Sykes is calling on House leadership to take immediate action on her legislation to support Americans and provide stability in the case of a government shutdown.
The Feed Our Families Act would prevent a catastrophic funding cliff that will imperil the more than 40 million Americans who rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Because SNAP requires an annual appropriation made by Congress, millions of Americans are made vulnerable every time that Congress cannot fulfill its most basic duty – to fund the government. During the 2018-2019 shutdown, the Trump Administration was forced to exercise budgetary workarounds to ensure that SNAP recipients had access to their benefits. There are 45,546 households in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District that rely on SNAP benefits.
“No American should ever go hungry because of Congress’ failure to fund SNAP,” said Rep. Sykes. “The Feed Our Families Act will ensure millions of Americans, including thousands of constituents in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District who rely on SNAP, will still be able to put food on their tables in the event of a government shutdown.”
The Pay Our Military Act would provide appropriations for pay and support for all members of the Armed Forces, civilian personnel at the Department of Defense, members of the Coast Guard, necessary contractors, and reservists during a government shutdown. More than 40,000 veterans live in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District, and more than 6,000 active-duty military members reside in Ohio.
“The men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line for us every day should never have to worry about going without a paycheck. The Pay Our Military Act will ensure our military can continue to serve our country and keep Americans safe if a government shutdown occurs,” said Rep. Sykes.