March 14, 2024

Reps. Sykes, Nunn Introduce Bipartisan Legislation To Protect Safe Drinking Water

AKRON, OH — U.S. Representatives Emilia Sykes (OH-13) and Zach Nunn (IA-03) introduced new bipartisan legislation to protect Ohio families from dangerous lead in their home’s drinking water. The bipartisan Safe Drinking Water for Disadvantaged Communities Act will improve current programs that help communities replace lead water pipelines with safer alternatives. 

“Every American, no matter where they live, should be able to access clean, safe drinking water when they turn on the tap. Yet more than 9.2 million American households connect to water through lead pipes, putting them at risk of dangerous lead exposure,” said Rep. Sykes. “I’m glad to co-lead the Safe Drinking Water for Disadvantaged Communities Act with Rep. Nunn to ensure low-income communities in Ohio’s 13th District and across the country can take full advantage of historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds to replace lead pipes and improve our water infrastructure. This commonsense, bipartisan legislation will create safer, healthier communities for all.”

“Removing lead-lined water lines is essential to safeguarding our communities and families from the irreversible damage caused by toxic-lead exposure,” said Rep. Nunn. “The Safe Water for Disadvantaged Communities Act will make additional funding available to help underprivileged areas make necessary lead pipeline replacements to keep Iowa families safe.”

After treatment, water should be lead free and safe to drink. Over time, as the water passes through pipes containing lead, the pipes corrode and contaminate the water within. There are more than 9 million lead service lines throughout the country. Ohio ranks third in the nation for states with lead pipes, and there are around 745,061 lead service lines statewide. Any level of lead in water can cause long-term damage to families, especially children. Even low levels of lead can harm a child’s development by negatively impacting their speech, hearing, and ability to succeed in school. 

In 2021, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act authorized $15 billion to the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for the replacement of lead service lines and other related projects under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, 49% of the funds made available to replace lead service lines are provided in the form of 100% forgivable loans or grants for disadvantaged communities.

The bipartisan Safe Drinking Water for Disadvantaged Communities Act would increase funding available to replace pipelines in disadvantaged communities by requiring all funds made available under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for lead service line replacement projects be provided as 100% forgivable loans or grants.

Rep. Sykes has made ensuring all Northeast Ohioans have access to clean, safe, affordable drinking water a key priority during her first term. Last month, Rep. Sykes hosted U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water Bruno Pigott and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) President Lee Saunders in Canton to celebrate a $46 million investment in the Canton Water Department. Through this investment, the Canton Water Department will ensure high quality, affordable drinking water while creating dozens of good-paying, union jobs operating and maintaining the system for decades to come.

View bill text below.