February 21, 2024

Rep. Sykes and HUD Secretary Fudge Highlight Local Efforts To Improve Access To Safe, Affordable Housing During Invest In America Tour

AKRON, OH – Today, U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia L. Fudge highlighted HUD investments in local efforts to improve access to safe, affordable housing as part of the Invest In America tour. 

“Housing continues to be the single highest monthly expense for people across Ohio’s 13th Congressional District. I was glad to welcome Secretary Fudge back to Northeast Ohio to highlight local efforts to improve access to safe, affordable housing and discuss how the Invest In America agenda is lowering housing costs for people in our communities,” said Rep. Sykes. “I’m committed to ensuring everyone in our district has a safe, affordable and sustainable place to call home.”

“Over the last 3 years, the Biden-Harris Administration has worked to improve our economy, small businesses, and families while the world was grappling with the effects of a global wide pandemic,” said HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge. “Part of this investment is ensuring that communities have access to safe, affordable, and sustainable housing and I am deeply proud of the work we’ve done at HUD to help boost the quality of life for thousands of families by making their homes safer and more comfortable.”

The Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda works to rebuild our economy so that it works for working families – creating good-paying jobs, unleashing American manufacturing, and strengthening communities that for too long were left out or left behind. Part of this investment is ensuring that communities have access to safe, affordable, and sustainable housing.

During the visit, Rep. Sykes and Sec. Fudge toured the I Promise Housing to highlight the Administration’s efforts to lower costs and advance equity in housing for communities across the country. The I Promise Housing is a housing development that offers affordable, modern units for families in the Akron area whose children attend the I Promise school. During the tour, Rep. Sykes and Sec. Fudge were joined by Akron Mayor Shammas Malik; Stephanie Myers from the LeBron James Foundation; Cheryl Steves, Chief Executive Officer and President of the East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation; and Jeanette Brown, a resident of I Promise Housing. 

The visit also included a round table discussion about homeowner assistance programs and the Summit Lake Choice Neighborhoods comprehensive neighborhood transformation plan, led by the Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority. Round table participants included Ohio Treasurer of State Robert Sprague; Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro; Akron Mayor Shammas Malik; Herman Hill, Executive Director, Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority; Dan Rice, Community Partner/Akron Civic Commons - Summit Lake Transformation Plan; and Grace Hudson, Resident, Summit Lake Community and Board Member of AMHA. 

“In leading the Summit Lake Choice Neighborhood Project, we recognize the pivotal role of collaboration and partnerships in our mission to revitalize communities and uplift lives,” said Herman Hill, Executive Director, Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority. “Secretary Marsha Fudge and Congresswoman Sykes have demonstrated unwavering commitment by dedicating their time to hold this roundtable about our project, underscoring the importance of collective action in driving meaningful change. Together, with our esteemed partners, we embark on a transformative journey to breathe new life into Summit Lake, forging a brighter future where every individual has the opportunity to thrive."

Rep. Sykes and Sec. Fudge also hosted a private meeting with local tenant organizers during the visit to discuss protecting the right for tenants to organize and improving living conditions for residents of Wilbeth Arlington and Ericsson Apartments.