February 29, 2024

Rep. Sykes Calls On Administration To Fully Support Akron Regional Tech Hub

AKRON, OH — Today, U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) penned a letter to U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and the Economic Development Administration in support of Akron’s Sustainable Polymers Tech Hub application in the next round of consideration for the Regional Tech Hub program.

“Ohio’s 13th Congressional District has long been a trailblazer in polymer science and polymer engineering, making Akron the perfect home for Regional Tech Hub devoted to developing the future of sustainable polymers,” said Rep. Sykes. “Polymers touch every industrial sector, and this Tech Hub will help ensure that Northeast Ohio remains a global leader in innovation, while also boosting our local economy and creating good-paying jobs right here at home. As a member of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, I’ll keep advocating to bring this Tech Hub to Akron and Northeast Ohio.”

Akron is one of 31 hubs designated from a pool of nearly 500 applicants being considered for an implementation award, the final round of funding. Around 5-10 Hubs will be selected with awards of $20-70 million each to carry out their missions. In conjunction with the designation, Akron was also previously awarded a $400,000 strategy development grant for the consortium to aid local coordination and planning efforts. The designation will build on Akron’s historic leadership in the rubber industry and position the region to lead in developing and producing sustainable polymers – the next generation of rubber and plastics. 

Rep. Sykes also joined a separate letter in support of Akron’s application with members of the Ohio delegation, including Sen. Sherrod Brown, U.S. Representatives Max Miller (R-OH-07), Shontel Brown (D-OH-11), Mike Carey (R-OH-15), Joyce Beatty (D-OH-03), and David Joyce (R-OH-14).

In August 2023, Rep. Sykes sent a letter to Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Alejandra Y. Castillo in support of the Greater Akron Chamber’s application for funding under the EDA’s first phase of the Regional Technology and Innovation Hub Program (Tech Hubs program) authorized by the CHIPS and Science Act.

Read Rep. Sykes' letter of support here.