February 29, 2024

Rep. Sykes Votes For Fourth Time To Keep The Government Open, Working For The People Of Ohio’s 13th Congressional District

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) issued a statement today after voting in support of the bipartisan Continuing Resolution to avoid a government shutdown by extending funding until March 8 and March 22:

“My Democratic colleagues and I have worked time and time again to keep government open and critical services running for people in Ohio’s 13th District and across the country. This week, we are once again stepping up to cut through the House Majority’s dysfunction and chaos to extend government funding,” said Rep. Sykes. “While I’m glad we were able to avoid a devastating shutdown, it’s a disservice to our constituents that this process continues to drag out. Northeast Ohioans deserve to have trust in their government, and they shouldn’t have to constantly worry whether the government will shut down and completely upend their lives. I’ll keep fighting to put people over politics and ensure our government works for the people it serves.”

Rep. Sykes previously voted in favor of extending funding to keep the government open in September 2023, November 2023, and January 2024. 

Last year, Rep. Sykes introduced two bills that would provide stability and certainty for Americans across the country in the event of a government shutdown. The Feed Our Families Act would appropriate three months of funding into SNAP’s reserve account in the case of a government shutdown so no families reliant on SNAP go hungry. Rep. Sykes also introduced the bipartisan Pay Our Military Act, which would provide appropriations for pay and support for all members of the Armed Forces, civilian personnel at the Department of Defense, members of the Coast Guard, necessary contractors, and reservists during a government shutdown.