April 18, 2023

Rep. Sykes Celebrates 100 Days Representing Ohio’s 13th District

WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, U.S. Representative Emilia Strong Sykes (OH-13) celebrated her 100th day in office representing Ohio’s 13th Congressional District. To commemorate this milestone and to officially welcome members of the community to her district office, Rep. Sykes hosted a District Office Open House last Thursday where constituents stopped by to meet the district staff and learn about the services the office provides.

“I have always said that though it was my name on the ballot, when I was elected, we were all going to Congress. Since I took office in January, I have made it my responsibility to ensure your voices are heard because I work for you, regardless of your politics or beliefs. Just 100 days into office, I am already acting on policies that will expand opportunity, keep our communities safe, and ensure better lives and brighter futures for everyone in Ohio’s 13th District. I’m proud of these significant accomplishments, but I know there’s still much more work to be done to improve the lives of Northeast Ohioans and reconnect our communities to Congress. I will continue to put people over politics to deliver meaningful results for our district,” said Rep. Sykes.

In her first 100 days in office, Rep. Sykes:

  • Worked across the aisle the aisle to introduce her first piece of legislation, the bipartisan Reducing Accidents in Locomotives (RAIL) Act, to prevent future train derailments, keep our communities safe, and hold railroad corporations accountable;
  • Co-sponsored critical legislation spanning a wide variety of issues that impact constituents in Ohio’s 13th District, including bills that would ensure teachers are fairly compensated, support workers and improve workplace safety and benefits, ban dangerous assault weapons, protect women’s freedom to make their own healthcare decisions, and combat the opioid epidemic in our neighborhoods;
  • Helped hundreds of constituents navigate issues with the federal government;
  • Toured 30 sites in the district to learn more about their work and how to support their efforts in the community;
  • Held two Community Conversations in Akron and Hudson;
  • Hosted multiple community roundtables with local labor leaders, elected officials, faith leaders, and small business owners in Stark and Summit Counties; and
  • Held countless informational meetings both in D.C. and in the district with constituents and local and national stakeholders.

As a member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Rep. Sykes will continue to advocate for improved infrastructure that supports Ohio’s economy, public safety, and quality of life, including modernizing and innovating our roads, bridges, and energy grid. Rep. Sykes also serves on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, where she will work alongside her colleagues to ensure our country’s continued global leadership and domestic innovation, national security, and job creation in science, space, and technology.