April 18, 2023

Rep. Sykes Opposes Veto Override of H.J. Res. 27, Legislation That Undermines Efforts to Protect Clean Water

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Representative Emilia Strong Sykes (OH-13) voted against the veto override of H.J. Res 27, legislation that would rescind the Clean Water Restoration Rule that defines which bodies of water fall under the scope of the Clean Water Act. H.J. Res. 27 is a direct attempt to invalidate the Biden-Harris administration’s recently finalized regulation, which ensures protections for many of the bodies of water our families and communities depend on.

“People in Ohio’s 13th District depend on clean water for their lives and livelihoods. That’s why I voted against the veto override of H.J. Res 27, a partisan attack on longstanding critical safeguards for clean water,” said Rep. Sykes. “Federal rules should protect our water quality and public health while also providing certainty and stability to businesses, local governments, and farmers. This is just the latest example of the Republican majority putting partisan politics over the people.”

In March 2023, the Republican-majority House of Representatives passed H.J. Res. 27, which uses the Congressional Review Act to undermine the Clean Water Act. On April 6, President Biden vetoed H.J. Res. 27 because it would negatively affect tens of millions of American households that depend on healthy wetlands and streams.