June 05, 2024

Rep. Sykes Issues Statement On Partisan Military Construction, Veterans Affairs Funding Bill Which Fails Our Veterans and Servicemembers

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) issued a statement after voting against H.R. 8580, partisan legislation which worsens the quality of life for servicemembers and their families, undermines military readiness, and further limits women’s access to abortion.

“Our servicemembers and veterans have sacrificed greatly to serve our country, and they deserve our utmost support in return. This funding bill fails to honor our commitment to serve our veterans, servicemembers, and military families as well as they have served us,” said Rep. Sykes. “People in Ohio’s 13th District deserve better, and I’ll keep fighting to protect the programs and services our veterans and their families rely on as the appropriations process continues. Last year’s drawn-out appropriations process underscores how vital bipartisan support is in this process, so I hope my colleagues on the other side of the aisle can put politics aside to support our veterans.”

The 2025 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Funding Bill would:

  • Worsen the quality of life and safety of American servicemembers and their families by cutting $718 million in military construction compared to last year;
  • Disarm our military in the face of the climate crisis by failing to include dedicated funding for climate change and resilience projects for America’s military to adapt to sea level rise and worsening disasters – putting servicemembers and our national security at risk and walking back investments made in natural disaster recovery funds;
  • Further limit women’s access to abortion by prohibiting VA from offering abortion counseling and making it more difficult for women veterans to access abortion services;
  • Undermine the ability to keep guns out of the hands of those prohibited under Federal law from purchasing or possessing firearms who could be a harm to themselves or others; and
  • Disenfranchises LGBTQ+ veterans rather than making VA a welcoming and inclusive place for all those who volunteer to serve our country. 

Ohio’s 13th Congressional District is home to 40,461 veterans and 6,281 active-duty military members.