September 14, 2023

Rep. Sykes Joins House Democrats’ Push To Advance Ethan’s Law To Require Safe Firearm Storage

WASHINGTON, D.C.— U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) announced she has joined legislative efforts by House Democrats to force consideration of H.R. 660, Ethan’s Law, to require safe storage of firearms to ensure that a child or others who cannot lawfully obtain a firearm from getting a hold of one and causing harm to themselves or others.

“Just a few weeks ago in Akron, a 4-year-old child tragically passed away after accidentally shooting himself with an unsecured gun. As his family and our community mourns the loss of a child lost much too young, I am committed to protecting our children by passing Ethan’s Law—commonsense gun safety legislation to ensure children cannot access dangerous weapons. Safe storage truly saves lives, and Congress must act now to protect our children and families from these heartbreaking deaths before they happen,” said Rep. Sykes.

The discharge petition would compel House Republican leadership to immediately send Ethan’s Law to the floor for a vote if 218 Members sign on.

Provisions of Ethan’s Law include:

  • Safe & Secure Storage of Firearms: It would be against the law for a person to keep any firearm unsecured on their premises if they should reasonably expect that a minor or resident who cannot lawfully possess a firearm may gain access to that firearm. If a person stores their firearm using a secure safety device, within a secure location, or within readily retrievable proximity to that person, then the firearm would be considered safely and securely stored.
  • Fair & Firm Penalties for Violations: A person would be fined $500 for each instance their firearm is kept unsecured on their premises. If a minor or resident who cannot lawfully possess a firearm gains access to an unsecured firearm and causes injury as a result, the owner of that firearm may be fined and imprisoned up to five years.
  • State Incentives to Adopt Similar Law: States and Indian Tribes may receive grants to assist law enforcement agencies and courts in implementing a state law that similarly prohibits unsecure storage of firearms.
  • Access to Civil Justice for Injured Persons: It is the sense of Congress that violators of this law would be held civilly liable for injuries resulting from the unsecure storage of their firearm.

Rep. Sykes is a member of the Gun Violence Prevention Caucus, a group dedicated to combatting gun violence across the country.