April 12, 2023

Rep. Sykes Leads More Than 30+ House Members in Push to Fund Water Infrastructure Jobs, Projects, and Programs

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Representative Emilia Strong Sykes (D-OH), Vice Chair of the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee and member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and Ranking Member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Grace Napolitano led a group of more than 30 members in the House of Representatives on a letter calling for Congressional leadership to prioritize water infrastructure funding as part of the FY24 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill.

The letter highlights the need to create jobs, enhance the water workforce, and support clean water investments including:

  • At least $7.6 billion each for the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRFs);
  • At least $400 million for the Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grant Program;
  • At least $225 million for the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Pilot Program to ensure our most vulnerable citizens do not lose access to clean drinking water;
  • At least $369 million for environmental justice programs to enhance relationship building, awareness, and support to community leaders, and their local on-the-ground partners.
  • At least $80.4 million for activities carried out under the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA);
  • At least $40 million for the Connection to Publicly Owned Treatment Works program;
  • At least $17.7 million for Water Infrastructure Workforce Development;
  • Report language supporting for federal agency programs including the Urban Waters Federal Partnership Program, that have been created to cut through red tape to make sure communities are getting the resources they need quickly and efficiently to achieve the greatest impact.
  • Report language supporting adding flexibility in these programs to advance green stormwater infrastructure and enable interjurisdictional coordination and collaboration between local, state, and federal agencies.

“Investing in our water infrastructure not only protects the health of our communities, but also facilitates economic activity,” the letter reads. “By supporting these programs, we can further our efforts to support job creation, protect our water resources, and help every community get the access to clean water they need.”

The letter continues “Supporting water infrastructure would yield over $220 billion in total annual economic activity, sustaining roughly 1.3 million jobs over the next 10 years by contributing to the health of our manufacturing sector and advanced industry nationwide.”

The letter follows a recent call for river and clean water funding priorities led by American Rivers and 151 partners organizations across the country.

"With growing concern about forever chemicals and water quality, at this time it is crucial to demonstrate support for funding of drinking water infrastructure,” said Rich Cogen, Executive Director, Ohio River Foundation.

"Every community deserves access to safe, clean, affordable drinking water. U.S. EPA's announcement this week that states face a $625 billion backlog for drinking water infrastructure improvements - a 32% increase since the last survey - underscores the deteriorating condition of the nation's water supply and the urgent need to increase federal funding for drinking water systems nationwide.  We appreciate the leadership of Representatives Emilia Sykes and Grace Napolitano to request that Congress increase the federal investment for drinking water so that communities can provide the clean water that their citizens deserve," said Crystal M.C. Davis, Vice-President for Policy & Strategic Engagement, Alliance for the Great Lakes.

"We appreciate Congress Member Emilia Sykes's leadership in calling for robust funding levels for water infrastructure programs in the FY24 Interior and Environment Appropriations bill. Rep. Emilia Sykes knows that healthy communities and a healthy economy rely on a clean drinking water supply. Robust funding for water infrastructure will support job creation, protect our water resources, and keep water affordable for all Ohioans,” said Melanie Houston, Managing Director of Water Policy for the Ohio Environmental Council.

“We applaud the efforts of Representatives Sykes and Napolitano in leading this effort to prevent harmful cuts to critical water infrastructure needs,” said Gary Belan, Senior Director, Clean Water Supply at American Rivers. “Substantial and sustained investments support our ability as a nation to address aging or deteriorating sewer lines, reduce toxic contamination, and improve water quality monitoring. We recognize these members of Congress who are working together to protect our rivers and tackle longstanding inequities around access to clean water.”

“NACWA greatly appreciates the leadership of Representatives Sykes and Napolitano in funding these essential clean water infrastructure programs,” said Danielle Cloutier, Director of Legislative Affairs for the National Association of Clean Water Agencies. “While local communities work to cover most capital investment, operations, and maintenance costs, federal programs such as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) are essential for public utilities to continue delivering affordable and reliable clean water services. The importance of fully funding the CWSRF and other clean water infrastructure programs cannot be overstated.”

The was signed by 33 Members of Congress.