March 30, 2023

Rep. Sykes Opposes H.R. 1, Partisan Legislation That Won’t Reduce Ohioans’ Energy Costs

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Representative Emilia Strong Sykes (OH-13) voted against H.R. 1, partisan legislation that fails to address our country’s energy needs or lower energy costs for Americans.

“Today, I voted against H.R. 1, the ‘Polluters Over People’ Act, because it eliminates key protections that keep families and communities safe while doing nothing to lower energy costs for the people of Ohio’s 13th District,” said Rep. Sykes. “H.R. 1 prioritizes large corporations at the expense of working people and families, endangering our communities by allowing polluters to dirty our drinking water and contaminate our air. Instead of this partisan proposal, Congress should build on the progress we have made with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act to expand our clean energy infrastructure, improve the resiliency of our energy grid, and fight climate change. I’m ready to work with any member, regardless of political party, to pass meaningful energy policies that reduce energy costs, provide true energy security, combat the climate crisis, and create good-paying jobs.”

H.R. 1 would gut environmental and public health laws that protect our water and air. During debate on the legislation, Rep. Sykes attempted to introduce an amendment to H.R. 1 that would have restored some of a state’s ability to protect its drinking water by allowing states to consider the impacts that certain projects will have during the water quality certification process. This commonsense amendment was blocked by House Republicans.

Watch Rep. Sykes’ floor remarks on H.R. 1 here.