August 01, 2023

Rep. Sykes Statement On Yellow Corp. Layoffs

AKRON, OH — U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) issued a statement following news that the third largest trucking company in the nation, Yellow Corp., has ceased operations, impacting more than 600 local employees in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District:

“I am deeply concerned about the devastating impact these layoffs will have on local workers, their families, and our community,” said Rep. Sykes. “In the aftermath of this abrupt closure, I know workers from Yellow are feeling anxious and uncertain about what comes next. My office is here to help in any way we can, and my team has been in contact with our local union and the federal government to ensure our workers receive the support they have earned. Our freight networks play an important role in transporting goods across the country, and as a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I will continue working to strengthen American supply chains while promoting good-paying, union jobs here at home.”

Rep. Sykes’s office can help connect impacted workers with unemployment benefits as they look to find other means of employment. Workers can contact Rep. Sykes’s office at (330) 400-5350 and