January 12, 2024

Rep. Sykes Votes Against H.J. Res. 98, Anti-Labor Legislation That Would Lower Wages For Working Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) voted against H.J. Res. 98, to repeal the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) joint employer rule, and issued the following statement:

“Workers have the right to bargain for fair wages and working conditions with every company that controls their terms and conditions of employment. But too often, companies hide behind subcontractors or staffing agencies to deny workers this fundamental right. The joint employer rule established by the Biden-Harris Administration ensures that workers hired through subcontractors, staffing agencies, or other intermediaries can actually hold their employers accountable. Repealing this pro-worker rule will hamper a worker’s ability to collectively bargain for high pay, better benefits, and safer workplaces, which is why I voted against H.J. Res. 98. I will always stand with working people to protect the rights they are entitled to,” said Rep. Sykes.