February 07, 2024

Rep. Sykes Votes Against H.R. 485, An Attempt To Undermine the Affordable Care Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) voted against H.R. 485, legislation to undermine the Affordable Care Act by stripping dollars from the Prevention and Public Health Fund and undermining its critical investments in health and wellbeing. 

“Every American deserves access to high-quality, affordable health care in their community. Last month, over 21 million Americans enrolled in the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplace Plan, including a record 477,793 Ohioans,” said Rep. Sykes. “But now, instead of protecting and strengthening this crucial health care program that tens of millions of Americans rely on, the House Majority is trying to undermine its critical investments in health and well-being. I’ll always fight to protect the Affordable Care Act and make health care more affordable for working people and families in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District.”

H.R. 485 would strip funding from the Prevention and Public Health Fund, which supports critical investments to help prevent disease and ensure Americans have access to affordable coverage for preventive benefits.