March 06, 2024

Rep. Sykes Votes To Pass Bipartisan Government Funding Legislation To Uplift Families, Protect Women’s Rights, And Combat The Climate Crisis

WASHINGTON, D.C.Today, Rep. Emilia Sykes (OH-13) voted to pass the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, a package of six domestic funding bills focused on helping families and communities across the United States. The investments in the bill will help families with the cost of living, create and sustain good-paying jobs, and help people in need.

“Today, I was proud to vote for a bipartisan government funding package that invests in the programs and services the people of Ohio’s 13th Congressional District rely on, while also providing commonsense solutions to the issues our communities face every day,” said Rep. Sykes. “These funding bills demonstrate Democrats and Republicans can work together to put the needs of the people we serve first. These investments will keep our government open and help lower costs, create good-paying jobs, protect women’s rights, honor our commitments to our veterans, address the challenges at the border, and make housing more affordable.”  

The funding package includes 12 projects totaling $14,948,783 that Rep. Sykes championed for and will directly benefit Ohio’s 13th District residents. These include:

  • $959,752 for City of Hudson for Nicholson Drive Water Transmission Line Project
  • $959,752 for City of New Franklin for Water and Sewer Project
  • $500,000 for City of North Canton for Arrowhead Water Well Project
  • $956,000 for Community Crime Prevention and Youth Engagement Initiative
  • $2,190,000 for East Tuscarawas Street Streetscape in Canton
  • $850,000 for Girl Scouts of Northeast Ohio's STEM Center of Excellence
  • $1,000,000 for Lake Anna Park Revitalization Project
  • $1,050,000 for Polymer Research, Development,  Production Facility
  • $963,000 for Summit and Stark County Local Law Enforcement Assistance Program
  • $4,116,279 for Summit County High Level Bridge
  • $904,000 for Village of Silver Lake for Sewer Separation Project
  • $500,000 for West High Pressure District Elevated Water Storage Tank Project

“I am especially excited to vote for over $14.9 million in Community Project Funding that I know will improve the lives of people in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District,” Rep. Sykes said. “These innovative projects will transform our communities, ensuring Northeast Ohioans have clean water to drink, safer communities to live in, and more opportunities to thrive.”

Democrats rejected extreme Republican cuts and policies in this spending package. This first government package invests in America’s future and delivers for the American people by: 

  • Helping with the high cost of living, creating and sustaining tens of thousands of good paying jobs, fighting inflation, and providing full funding for key lifelines such as food assistance and more affordable housing and homeownership; 
  • Protecting women’s rights by blocking attempts to limit women’s access to reproductive health care, including abortion, and by increasing funding for gender-based violence prevention and prosecution programs;
  • Confronting the climate crisis, fighting climate change, and ensuring America’s energy independence with robust, transformative investments in deploying clean energy technologies in communities across the country, and providing funding for cutting-edge scientific and climate-related research; and
  • Funds community projects: Responds directly to pressing needs in the district by supporting underserved areas and fostering the economic development that makes communities healthier, safer, and stronger through community projects.

This package includes the following funding bills: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies; Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies; Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies; Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies; Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies; and Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies.

A detailed summary of the legislation is available here.

The remaining six appropriations bills for fiscal year 2024 are expected to be released in the coming days and be voted on ahead of their expiration on March 22.

This legislation is expected to be signed into law by President Biden later this week.