February 28, 2024

Rep. Sykes Calls For Immediate Action To Keep The Government Open, Working For People In Ohio’s 13th Congressional District

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Just days away from a partial government shutdown manufactured by the dysfunctional House Majority, U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) today called on House leadership to take immediate action to prevent a devastating government shutdown. If Congress doesn’t act, a partial government shutdown will occur March 1. 

“People in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District can’t afford a government shutdown. A shutdown would raise costs and endanger the lives of people in my district who rely on critical government services,” said Rep. Sykes. “It doesn’t have to be this way. The House Majority should put the American people first by working with Democrats to avoid an unnecessary shutdown and pass a bipartisan national security supplemental to keep our country safe. I’m committed to doing everything I can to keep our government open and working for the people of my district.”

This is the fourth time in just six months that the House Majority’s chaos has brought the country to the brink of a shutdown. Since September 2023, Rep. Sykes has voted three times to extend funding to keep the government open. 

Rep. Sykes has introduced two bills — the Pay Our Military Act and the Feed Our Families Act – which put people over politics to protect Americans’ livelihoods and provide stability and certainty in the event of a government shutdown. The Pay Our Military Act would ensure our service members, the people who put their lives on the line every day to keep our country safe, continue to receive their paychecks, while the Feed Our Families Act would ensure families who rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP) to put food on their tables can still access their benefits during a shutdown.

“This is the fourth time in just six months that constituents in my district have faced the possibility that the government might shut down and completely upend their lives. This instability and uncertainty is completely unacceptable,” said Rep. Sykes. “Congress must pass my Pay Our Military Act and Feed Our Families Act so service members and families don’t have to worry how they will pay their bills or put food on the table should the government shut down.”