November 14, 2023

Rep. Sykes Statement On Continuing Resolution To Keep The Government Open

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) issued a statement on H.R. 6363, legislation to keep the government funded until January 19, 2024:

“Our most basic duty as members of Congress is to keep the federal government running for the people we have the privilege of serving. That’s why I voted today in favor of this continuing resolution to keep the government open and working for the people of Ohio’s 13th Congressional District,” said Rep. Sykes. “However, this bill is far from perfect. Instead of using the past seven weeks to forge a bipartisan path forward, House Republicans chose to waste precious time pushing through extreme bills that dramatically cut critical services people in our communities rely on. Republicans’ continued inability to govern has real consequences for people and families in my district. I urge my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to stop playing partisan games and work together with Democrats on legislation to fully fund the government, protect our national security by ensuring Israel and Ukraine have the resources they need to defend themselves, and provide critical humanitarian assistance to Ukrainians, Israelis, and Palestinians.”

To fully fund the government, Congress must pass twelve appropriations bills. House Republicans’ Continuing Resolution creates two separate funding deadlines: January 19 for Agriculture, Energy and Water, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development and February 2 for the remaining eight bills.

Rep. Sykes has introduced two bills that would provide stability and certainty for Americans across the country in the event of a government shutdown. The Feed Our Families Act would appropriate three months of funding into SNAP’s reserve account in the case of a government shutdown so no families reliant on SNAP go hungry. Rep. Sykes also introduced the bipartisan Pay Our Military Act, which would provide appropriations for pay and support for all members of the Armed Forces, civilian personnel at the Department of Defense, members of the Coast Guard, necessary contractors, and reservists during a government shutdown.