April 02, 2024

Rep. Sykes Statement On New Federal Railroad Administration Two-Person Train Crew Requirements

AKRON, OH — Today, U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) issued a statement on the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) final rule requiring a minimum of two-person crews for all Class I freight and passenger trains:

“I’m encouraged to see the final rule requiring two-person crews on the trains that move their way through our communities. This rule will protect our communities and prioritize the safety of hardworking rail crews across the country by ensuring large freight trains are properly staffed when traveling through our neighborhoods,” said Rep. Sykes. “While today’s rule is an important first step, there’s still more action needed by Congress to improve rail safety and prevent future train derailments. Congress must pass my bipartisan RAIL Act now to keep our communities safe, hold railroad corporations accountable, and ensure that no American living close to our 140,000 miles of railroad track has to worry about the threat of a toxic derailment in their backyard.”

In March 2023, Rep. Sykes introduced the bipartisan RAIL Act which would improve rail safety by: 

  • Directing the Secretary of Transportation to promulgate new rules to improve safety based off the findings of the NTSB investigation in conjunction with the Federal Railroad Administration;
  • Increasing inspections on all trains, including those carrying hazardous materials;
  • Requiring railroad corporations to provide notification in advance to pertinent State emergency response commissioners, tribal emergency response commission, or any other State or tribal agency regarding the transportation of hazardous materials;
  • Strengthening requirements pertaining to safety placards that would have assisted emergency responders in identifying the hazardous materials in the rail cars on-site;
  • Strengthening regulations to prevent wheel bearing failures, which caused the East Palestine train derailment;
  • Increasing maximum penalties for violations of rail safety regulations;
  • Increasing funding for Hazardous Materials Training for First Responders;
  • Auditing federal rail inspection programs.

Rep. Sykes is the only Ohio member serving on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.