February 05, 2024

Rep. Sykes Tours The Southern Border In El Paso, Texas

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Last week, U.S. Representative Emilia Sykes (OH-13) traveled to the El Paso sector of the U.S./Mexico border. During the trip hosted by Rep. Veronica Escobar (TX-16), Rep. Sykes visited various sites to get a complete look at the issues migrants and federal law enforcement agents face along the border.  

“For too long, discussions in D.C. around border security and immigration reform have been partisan, with the current House majority prioritizing political stunts over real policy solutions. I was glad to make the trip to El Paso to see firsthand what the real challenges at our southern border are and how we can work together to address these issues,” said Rep. Sykes. “After meeting with border patrol officials, migrant families, and local immigrant organizations, it’s clear we need a bipartisan, comprehensive solution that increases funding to secure the southern border, combats the flow of illicit fentanyl through our ports of entry, and addresses the backlog of visa applications and asylum cases. Although I don’t represent a border community, it doesn’t mean that border security isn’t a priority to me, and it should be more of a priority for those of us who do not live near the southern border. I stand ready to work across the aisle to pass meaningful immigration reform that will keep the communities of Ohio’s 13th Congressional District safe.”

The trip allowed members to gain a better understanding of the challenges in our immigration system, including immigration policies such as Title 8, border infrastructure needs, and how to craft policies that treat individuals humanely. Rep. Sykes visited a port of entry to view the infrastructure and technology, and a Border Patrol processing facility to gain insight into customs/trade processing. Additionally, Rep. Sykes also met with local non-governmental organizations and advocates to understand the local perspective and migrant support operations.

Ohio’s 13th District is home to 39,231 immigrants from across the globe. In Congress, Rep. Sykes is a member of the Democrats for Border Security Task Force and is a co-sponsor of the Stop Fentanyl Now Act, bipartisan legislation to combat the opioid crisis by cracking down on the flow of deadly fentanyl into the United States.


Rep. Sykes pictured at the sign marking the official border between Mexico and the United States. 

Rep. Sykes at the Paso Del Norte Bridge with members of the Congressional Delegation to El Paso

Rep. Sykes meets with Border Customs and Border Protection Office of Field Operations to discuss current border security challenges.