March 22, 2024

Rep. Sykes Votes To Pass Bipartisan Schools, Safety, and Security Funding Package

WASHINGTON, D.C.Today, Rep. Emilia Sykes (OH-13) voted to pass the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, a package of six domestic funding bills focused on helping families and communities across the United States. These investments help Americans deal with high prices, protect women’s rights, reinforce America’s global leadership, and improve the safety and security of our communities.

“Today, Congress put people over politics to deliver a bipartisan funding package which will help lower costs, improve the safety and security of our communities, and support working people and families in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District. By investing in child care, Head Start, education, and job training, we’re ensuring government works for working people. I am proud to support this package which provides Northeast Ohioans the opportunities and resources they need to thrive,” said Rep. Sykes. 

Some of the strongest investments and victories for the American people in this package include:

  • $1 billion increase for child care and Head Start.
  • $120 million increase in funding for cancer research at the National Institutes of Health.
  • $100 million increase for Alzheimer’s and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementia research.
  • 12,000 more Special Immigrant Visas for Afghans that assisted the United States.
  • $1 billion increase in climate change and resilience activities at the Department of Defense.
  • Rejecting extreme Republican cuts, including saving 224,000 teachers’ jobs that House Republicans tried to eliminate and protecting Job Corps and more than 20 K-12 and higher education programs.
  • Blocking 10 Republican riders to limit women’s reproductive health.


The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, funds the six bills at levels consistent with the bipartisan budget agreement.

These 2024 funding bills further invest in America’s future and deliver for the American people by:

  • Helping with the impossibly high cost of living, reducing drug costs, and investing in child care and Head Start.
  • Siding with the hardworking majority of Americans by supporting education and job training and placement programs that help Americans find high paying jobs, safeguarding robust worker protection agencies that ensure Americans are safe and properly compensated at work, and ensuring billionaires and wealthy corporations pay the taxes they owe.
  • Protecting women’s rights by blocking attempts to limit women’s access to reproductive health care including the elimination of Title X Family Planning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grants and supporting the reproductive health of women overseas.
  • Reinforcing America’s global leadership by strengthening defense capabilities, ensuring America can respond anywhere in the world where freedom and democracy are under attack, amplifying American diplomacy, and reaffirming our global commitments to fight climate change and reinforce global health.
  • Helping our communities be safe and secure by funding border security, preventing the trafficking of fentanyl and other dangerous drugs, bolstering cyber security, protecting consumers from scammers, fraudsters, and dangerous products, and enabling robust and immediate responses to natural disasters.

This package includes the following funding bills: Defense; Financial Services and General Government; Homeland Security; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies; Legislative Branch; and, State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs.

This legislation is expected to be signed into law by President Biden on Friday.