Public Safety

Public Safety

Congressman Emilia Strong Sykes is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of all Ohioans in the 13th Congressional District. She believes in creating relationships of trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve, and she supports policies that will promote public safety and improve equity, transparency, and accountability in our criminal justice system. Additionally, no Ohioan should have to live in fear of gun violence. Like most Ohioans, Congresswoman Sykes supports commonsense gun safety measures to protect our communities, including implementing universal background checks, enacting red flag laws, and banning dangerous assault weapons. Congresswoman Sykes is also a long-standing champion against domestic/intimate partner violence, in the Ohio House of Representatives, Congresswoman Emilia Sykes led the charge to modernize Ohio’s domestic violence laws — allowing victims of dating violence to obtain civil protective orders against their attacker. In Congress, she has continued this effort by supporting increased funding for the Violence Against Women Act. Public Safety begins with well-resourced communities. Ensuring every person in our community feels safe and free of violence is her top priority.
